miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

Back "home"

Dear rebound:
You are back to the place you used to call home. But now it's different; if you had a good time, now you have two places that mean home to you. 
Going back can be different for everyone, but I'll talk about my own experience: it was the most frustrating, horrible, incredible and saddest thing ever. It's already september, so probably you've experienced this already. If not, get ready. Or maybe it won't happen, so don't worry!

You have changed. Your way of seeing the world has changed. You realize that everything is just the same, yet you see things differently because the change is inside of you. You realize that missing everything and all those tears ware just a waste of time because now you're back. You are back, and time went way too fast; now the tears really come, you miss the place that you are calling home now and you can't wait to go back. But don't worry, you will. 

You learned so much, you met awesome people, awesome places; you fell, you fail, you cried, you laughed; you faced a whole new world and only you know how that feels. You and all the awesome exchangers from all over the world. 

You want to share everything (well, maybe not everything) you lived in your host country, but you don't know were to start, how to "make it short" and maybe, eventually, people will get tired of hearing everything about the awesome place you went, they'll stop paying attention and maybe they'll forget that you weren't there for over a year. But if you are lucky enough, you'll find that one person that will be willing to hear you and will save you.  

It's okay to cry. It's okay to be angry or sad all the time. It's okay if you are not. 
I used to be locked in my room, I felt lonely even though I wasn't. I thought no one really knew what was I feeling. Everything  and everyone irritated me, even the stupidest things, even the ones that I loved the most. 
It really sucked. 

But let me tell you something: you are not alone. You might think you are (or not), but be patient. Things will get better. Go out. Meet your friends. Try to explain to them how you feel, maybe they won't know how it actually feels but they'll try to understand. 
Talk to other exchangers. Rotex, rebounds. We are all willing to help because we've been there.
Don't give up. 

I hope you didn't feel the way I did, but if you did, I'll be glad to help! 

Now, be happy! You had one of the best years of your life and no one can take that from you! 

Feel free to share your experience.

And remember: once an exchange student, always an exchange student!!

-Rotex 4100. 

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